Easy access to 工笔画 stable diffusion models
Instantly run, compare, and use any model
Best for producing character, 工笔画, 红楼梦, lindaiyu, xuebaochai, jiabaoyu, hongloumeng, 金陵十二钗, 线稿, 水墨画, 贾宝玉, 薛宝钗, 林黛玉, and 四大名著 images.
Activation keywords: hlm,(可加人物名小写全拼)
Best for producing style, woman, 手绘, 中国风, 工笔画, and 古风佳人 images.
Best for producing style, 中国风, 插画, 工笔画, and 水墨画 images.
Activation keywords: gilding\\(style\\)