Easily Create eye-catching images for FFUSION AI - SD 2.1

Just dream up what you want and we optimize to get great images at scale. FFUSION AI - SD 2.1 is perfect for photorealistic, general purpose, digital art, base model, design, landscape, sureal, and di.ffusion.ai model images

About this model:

Model Overview: Unleashing the Power of Imagination!

FFUSION AI is a state-of-the-art image generation and transformation tool, developed around the leading Latent Diffusion Model. Leveraging Stable Diffusion 2.1, FFUSION AI converts your prompts into captivating artworks. Discover an imaginative landscape where ideas come to life in vibrant, surreal visuals.

  • Developed by: Idle Stoev, Source Code Bulgaria, Praesidium CX & BlackSwan Technologies

  • Shared by: FFusion AI

  • Model type: Diffusion-based text-to-image generation model

  • Language(s) (NLP): English

  • License: CreativeML Open RAIL++-M License

Model Use: Enabling Creativity and Exploring AI Frontiers

Designed for research and artistic exploration, FFUSION AI serves as a versatile tool in a variety of scenarios:

Out-of-Scope Use and Prohibited Misuse:

  • Generating factually inaccurate representations of people or events

  • Inflicting harm or spreading malicious content such as demeaning, dehumanizing, or offensive imagery

  • Creating harmful stereotypes or spreading discrimination

  • Impersonating individuals without their consent

  • Disseminating non-consensual explicit content or misinformation

  • Violating copyrights or usage terms of licensed material

Model Limitations and Bias

While our model brings us closer to the future of AI-driven creativity, there are several limitations:

  • Achieving perfect photorealism or surrealism is still an ongoing challenge.

  • Rendering legible text could be difficult without further ~30min training on your brand.

  • Accurate generation of human faces, especially far away faces, is not guaranteed (yet).

Model Releases

We are thrilled to announce:

  • Version 512 Beta: Featuring LiTE and MiD BFG model variations

  • Version 768 Alpha: BaSE, FUSION, and FFUSION models with enhanced training capabilities, including LoRa, LyCORIS, Dylora & Kohya-ss/sd-scripts.

  • Version 768 BaSE: A BaSE Ready model for easy applying more than 200 build op LoRA models trained along the way.

Environmental Impact

In line with our commitment to sustainability, FFUSION AI has been designed with carbon efficiency in mind:

  • Hardware Type: A100 PCIe 40GB

  • Hours used: 1190

  • Cloud Provider: CoreWeave & Runpod (official partner)

  • Compute Region: US Cyxtera Chicago Data Center - ORD1 / EU - CZ & EU - RO

  • Carbon Emitted: 124.95 kg of CO2 (calculated via Machine Learning Impact calculator)

That said all LoRA and further models are based on initial training.

Model Card Authors

This model card was authored by Idle Stoev and is based on the Stability AI - Stable Diffusion 2.1 model card.

Model Card Contact


Download the FFUSION AI - 768 BaSE diffusers @ Huggingface

See what else you can do with FFUSION AI - SD 2.1

Create hundreds of images for FFUSION AI - SD 2.1 in minutes

Produce eye-catching images on FFUSION AI - SD 2.1 with our autoscale system. You can create thousands of images on top of our cluster to get images incredibly fast. No more waiting around on your local machine for results.

Test variants and ideas quickly with our csv system

Have a general idea you want to test, but its not coming out exactly as you want, use our mass generator import system to generate many variations to find the perfect image you are looking for. You can write in excel, csv, or any other tool that exports CSV.
Check out other related models: photorealistic, general purpose, digital art, base model, design, landscape, sureal, di.ffusion.ai model

Save time and money

Its a hassle getting all of this setup, with the click of a button start creating images instantly and effortlessy to find the perfect visualizations for your project.

Better looking images than anywhere else

Don't waste time playing around with settings and configurations. We have optimized and fine-tuned FFUSION AI - SD 2.1 to get the best results.

Build a custom model on top of FFUSION AI - SD 2.1

Like the results you see with FFUSION AI - SD 2.1 and want to build your own on top of it? No problem, we provide infrastructure to easily build on top of it. Just give us a few images and we will build a new model on top of it. (This feature is in private beta)

Test FFUSION AI - SD 2.1 against hundreds of models with one click

Use our omni prompt tool and compare FFUSION AI - SD 2.1 with any models you want. You just put in your prompts and select the models and it runs instantly.

Unleash the power of visually stunning content that connects with your target audience every day! Say goodbye to the time-consuming process of finding the perfect image.

Image Generator Models
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